Sunday Gathering

8:00, 9:30, & 11:00 am

Exalting Jesus, sharing hope through the Gospel, and bearing witness in the city.

Community Groups

Leading people to grow in Christ by devotion, fellowship, and mission through community.


Partnering with parents to lead kids to grow and mature as disciples, worshipers, missioners, and servants.


Leading students to love, think, and live as real Christ-followers.

Leading people to be real Christ-followers in life...together.

The people called LifePoint are passionate about worshipping God and serving others. We are intentional about growing God's grace and sharing Jesus. You don't have to be perfect. You don't have to pretend. You don't even have to agree with us on every little matter. We understand that not everyone is at the same place in life. We all have different questions, concerns, cares, responsibilities, and passions. We simpy invite you to follow Jesus together with us, learn who he is, and what he has done.

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