
The people called LifePoint are passionate about worshipping God and serving others. We are intentional about growing God's grace and sharing Jesus. You don't have to be perfect. You don't have to pretend. You don't even have to agree with us on every little matter. We understand that not everyone is at the same place in life. We all have different questions, concerns, cares, responsibilities, and passions. We simpy invite you to follow Jesus together with us, learn who he is, and what he has done.


The vision of LifePoint Church is to labor for the Kingdom of God and grow as a Gospel-centered, missional church. Gospel-centered means that we consider all teachings in light of the good news of the life, work, death, resurrection, and rule of Jesus Christ. We believe that God’s eternal purposes and work are centered in Jesus Christ through the Gospel. Our message and ministry is one of grace. Some distinctives will help you understand who we are. There is always a danger in using labels. When words are common or familiar, often they will be defined by people’s experience. In light of this, we offer a brief descriptive to help define each distinctive. If you have further questions about what we mean, please do not hesitate to inquire. It is important to us—and we believe to you as well—that you understand who we are and what we mean by what we say.

LifePoint is:

1. Christian. First and foremost, we are identified with Jesus Christ. He is Savior; we trust in his finished and complete work of dying on the cross for our sins and rising from the dead to display his power over life and death. He is Lord and Master; we surrender our lives to his supreme will. He is reigning King; we serve his Kingdom in this world. He is the Head of the Church and we are his body. Our desire is to love him completely and make him known. Christian also means we seek to love and serve others in the name of Jesus as he did on this earth.

2. Evangelical. We believe every person must be born again to experience salvation in Jesus Christ. This occurs when one believes the Gospel of Jesus’ death and resurrection, trusts Jesus, and the Holy Spirit regenerates their heart. God is fully revealed in his Son, Jesus Christ, through His written Word, the Bible.

3. Missional. We are sent by Jesus into the world to share the Gospel of his salvation by grace through faith. We believe God commissions Christians to make disciples of all nations, from neighbors to the nations. We are to live in such a way that we intentionally pursue others to introduce them to Jesus through the Gospel. This work happens as we contend for the faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and contextualize the Gospel message in the culture in which we live.

4. Reformed. We hold to a reformed view of salvation that has been historically defined by what is known as the Five Solas:
  • Sola scriptura (by scripture alone). The Bible is the only inspired and authoritative Word of God, the only source of Christian doctrine, and accessible to all. It is our highest and final authority.
  • Sola fida (by faith alone). We are justified by faith alone without any mixture of or need for good works. We do believe salvation results in good works.
  • Sola gratia (by grace alone). Salvation comes by God’s grace, unmerited favor, not of any merit of our own.
  • Solus Christus (in Christ alone). Christ is the only mediator between God and man and there is salvation in no one else.
  • Soli Deo gloria (glory to God alone). All glory is due to God alone.

5. Elder-led. LifePoint Church is led by men who are called, qualified, tested, competent, approved, and installed.

6. Baptistic. When a person gets saved, they need to publicly identify with Jesus through believer's baptism. As a result of salvation, baptism is a first step of obedience to Jesus' command and a first testimony to the world of God's grace in life.

7. Charismatic. We believe all the spiritual gifts of grace are still active in the world today through the work of Holy Spirit. In theological terms, this position is referred to as non-cessationism or continuationism. The role of Holy Spirit is essential and vital for the vibrant, effective witness of the Gospel in the world.

Ethos of a Christ-follower

Ethos is the defining spirit of LifePoint and serves as an intentional, practical guide for missional living as the gospel bears fruit in life.


We are created for relationship with God: to love, know, and experience him. As worshipers, Christ-follower’s strive to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength as their hearts are engaged with God, regenerated in salvation and renewed daily by the gospel, growing in adoration for him, and trusting in him above all others. Lives are lived for his glory as an offering of sacrificial worship.


We are called to expression by serving others in Jesus’ name. As servants, Christ-followers express their love for God by using the unique combination of abilities, talents, experiences, and gifts he has given them. The hands are engaged to serve and show the love of God by building the church, meeting needs, and addressing the issues of life in a practical way.


We are reconciled in relationship with God to grow in authenticity through his Word, the Bible. As disciples, Christ-followers strive to grow in Christ’s righteousness through sanctification—the transformation of life. The head is engaged to study and know the gospel, and life is lived in obedience through the power of the gospel. Life is transformed when sin is recognized and repented of and when life is lived by faith in Christ.


We are compelled to mission by sharing the gospel with the people of the world. As missioners, Christ-followers no longer view the world from a human, worldly perspective but are sent with the ministry and message of reconciliation with God through Christ Jesus. The feet are engaged to carry this ministry and message to all peoples—even to the ends of the earth. Mission is a part of life’s every aspect.
ethos [ee'-thos] n. the fundamental character or spirit of a culture; the underlying sentiment that forms the beliefs, customs, or practices of a group or society.