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A Ram, a Goat, and an Appointed End

Apr 14, 2024    Lane Harrison

God reveals His glory by His sovereignty, and while Christ-followers will suffer, we glorify Jesus’ Name by trusting Him as worthy for all people to worship Him. Daniel’s dream leaves him overwhelmed. He has seen the work of evil, wicked rulers, and the suffering of his people, and it has appalled him. Daniel has shown us God’s sovereignty over most every realm in creation. In Daniel 8 we see His sovereignty over evil rules, and the suffering of His people. The importance of understanding and trusting God’s sovereignty is significant when you consider that the greatest reason cited to not believe in God, for those who are far from Him, is the problem of evil in the world. They say, “IF there is a God and IF He is good, then why does He allow all this bad stuff to happen?” But God’s sovereignty is also significant for Christ-followers in this world, and a real challenge for so many who question why God would allow His people to suffer through trial and persecution. Suffering and the sovereignty of God have driven many to create false hopes that convolute or pervert the gospel. The issue of evil and suffering in this world, and the preeminence of God’s sovereignty, remains a leading issue for both Christ-followers and non-believers alike. In this message, Pastor Lane provides five Reminders that strengthen our faith by exhorting us in Jesus’ faithfulness when we suffer. We pray this message helps and encourages.

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