Community Groups

Community Groups are LifePoint's primary vehicle for making disciples among adults at LifePoint. If you are looking to grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ, then we invite you to join in life together!

Life together.

LifePoint is passionate about making real Christ-followers in life…together. Community Groups (CG) pursue this vision by creating environments where people can join in life together as they follow Jesus. In other words, CG is the primary vehicle for making disciples among adults at LifePoint.

At every CG, you can expect to find a group of people who are committed to one another as they follow Jesus in life together. “Life together” is a term that we use at LifePoint to talk about what happens at CG. In life together, the CG places themselves under the Word by discussing and applying Scripture, either from the sermon or a book study, loves and cares for one another, prays together, and actively seeks opportunities to serve God’s mission of making disciples of all peoples. There is an incredible amount of rich blessing that is poured out in the fellowship of believers. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “How inexhaustible are the riches that open up for those who by God’s will are privileged to live in the daily fellowship of life with other Christians.

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! For there the LORD has commanded the blessing, life forevermore.” Psalm 133:1, 3b

Are you searching for the Lord's blessing? It's found in community. Are you seeking the Lord's voice? It's heard in community. Are you longing for the Lord's loving presence? It's felt in community.
You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to pretend. You don’t even have to agree with us on every little matter. We all have different questions, concerns, cares, responsibilities, and passions. We simply invite you to follow Jesus together with us, learn who he is, and what he has done.

You were created to live in community with other Christ-followers. Now is the perfect time to find a CG that fits your schedule.


We want to help you! There are a variety of different groups on different days that are in different seasons of life. Our hope is to get you connected with one of our wonderful Community Group leaders that fits the day(s) you’re available! Our Leaders are excited to invite you to their next gathering!
This map is to provide a visualization of the general locations of our Community Groups at LifePoint. These are not the exact locations and should not be used for directions.

Community Group Signup

Note: There may not be a group currently meeting on your desired day.