LifePoint Worship

Since its beginning, LifePoint has existed to lead people to grow as worshipers of the living God. Ours is a congregation that seeks to live in faithful relationship with God through Jesus Christ in all of life. And the worship ministry of LifePoint plays a crucial role in that objective by leading people to glorify God, magnify the Gospel, and edify the Church in Life Together.


We are all worshipers. That which we devote our time, money, and attention to is the object of our worship. What we worship and how we worship it determine whether our worship is true or false. By the redeeming work of Jesus Christ, God brings us out of our false worship to worship the Triune God in spirit and truth (John 4:23–24). Now, through Jesus Christ, we offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our spiritual worship (Romans 12:1). Therefore, the entire life of a Christ-follower is worship to God.

The church gathering is the continuation and climactic unification of each Christ-follower's life of worship. It is a collective expression of worship to the living God through singing, participating in the sacraments, praying, giving, and hearing God's word preached. Each element is critical for the church's edification, and at LifePoint, we especially love singing together.

LifePoint Worship exists to lead robust, Christ-rich, congregational singing.

Robust singing is loud, passionate, contagious, and united. It is the kind of singing commanded in the Psalms: "Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!" (Psalm 98:4). May the church put the most lively sports fans to shame with the sound of our songs!

Christ-rich singing drinks deeply from the infinite ocean of Christ's riches, striving to know Christ and then to know Him more. We need more Jesus; we will never have enough. At LifePoint, we sing substantive, theologically rich, and biblically faithful songs. We don't settle for songs that are merely "not heresy." We want the Word of Christ to dwell in us richly, so we sing songs that magnify the glory of God in Jesus Christ so that we might know Him more (Col. 3:16).

The most important singers in the room are not on stage but in the congregation. God is pleased by the loudness of a multitude of people singing and not by the few amplified through the sound system. Those who lead the congregation ought to be the most skilled but are not the only ones qualified to sing in God's church. Every Christ-follower has the same vocal apparatus as the trained vocalist, which the Lord intends for them to use as a part of the congregational choir.

We desire Sunday to be the most thrilling day of the week for the people of LifePoint as we gather to be shaped by God's Word and Spirit.

Get Ready for Sunday


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