Navigation Series

The Navigation Series is a comprehensive introduction to LifePoint Church. This series is written to inform, equip, and encourage a person who desires to pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and connect with LifePoint Church. The four sessions are designed to help you understand and engage in a gospel-centered, missional vision for your life and LifePoint Church. The flow of content shapes this path as it begins with God’s purpose and plan in the salvation of an individual and carries it all the way through to full, committed fellowship in a local body of believers. The Navigation Series is required to complete membership at LifePoint Church and is structured as follows:

Session One: The Core

This section introduces the foundational elements of gospel-centeredness. With an introduction to navigating membership at LifePoint Church, a study of the biblical teaching on salvation, and the tenets of our theological foundation, this section covers our doctrine and faith that define us. Everything we are as a church begins here, hence the term core.

Session Two: The Compass

This section covers the formative vision for LifePoint as a gospel-centered church. We show how the gospel, as a life-bearing seed, transforms life and grows a Christ-follower. In this section you will be introduced to the ethos of a Christ-follower and learn how each individual joined together becomes the church. We also study stewardship and every Christ-follower as a steward.

Session Three: The Church

This section covers the defining structure of the corporate body of LifePoint Church such as the stewardship of every Christ-follower, the pathway of every member to pursue servant leadership, the leadership structure within the church, missional engagement and alignment, and general points of opera- tional practice for LifePoint Church.

Session Four: The Covenant

This section covers the covenant relationship between Jesus, a Christ-follower, and a local church. Embracing and signing the covenant serves as the final step for full membership at LifePoint Church. This session of study is reserved only for those who intend to become a covenant member of LifePoint Church.

Who should attend the Navigation Series?

The Navigation series can be attended by anyone who desires a deeper consideration of the vision, teaching, ministry, and mission or seeking a deeper connection with LifePoint Church.

What if I want to be a member at LifePoint Church?

Every person desiring membership at LifePoint must complete the Navigation Series and sign the membership covenant. 

Navigation Series Signup

Choose either Friday night or Saturday morning.